
Pattern in Repeat Intensive | ONE DAY WORKSHOP| April 6th 2-5pm

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SUNDAY | APRIL 6th | 2-5pm 
Class fee $150

This is a one day intensive workshop where we will learn all about pattern layouts and terminology used when creating patterns. We will look at patterns throughout history, learn techniques for coming up with new ideas, and jump right into creating and developing patterns during the workshop. We will practice analogue pattern making techniques using drawing, painting, paper-cut out, block printing, and more. YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW HOW TO DRAW. We will find a medium that makes most sense for you, your skill set and comfort zone, when it comes to art making. Each student will receive a copy of my pattern in repeat zine. You are guaranteed to leave this workshop with greater passion and know-how for creating your own patterns.

Please come with a blank page notebook (9X12 preferably), a tracing paper pad, a couple of pencils (Ticonderoga or Blackwing are my favorites!). You can find all of these items at your local art store. All other materials and supplies will be provided.

Brooklyn art stores:
Artist & Craftsman Supply in Parkslope
KC Arts & Custom Picture Framing in Carroll Gardens
Apple Art Supplies in Clinton Hill
Blick Art Supply in Boerum Hill and Clinton Hill